Located in Wisconsin, USA, Appleton Makerspace was established in 2015 as a non-profit community space. Its members are all STEM, DIY and technology enthusiasts, and the Areas involved include the following:
Laser cutter, Vinyl cutter, 3D printers…
Wood Shop: drill press, lathe, table saw, chop saw, band saw, jointer, planer, sanders, clamps, glue, etc…
Metal Shop: CNC Mill, Lathe, TIG welder, MIG welder, stick welder, oxy-fuel torch, hydraulic press, welding bench w/ ventilation, drill press, bench grinders, angle grinders, small paint booth, etc…
General: Internet, Desk space, whiteboards, USB plug-ins
Art Area: easels, paint, plaster wraps, sewing machines, table space, etc…
Electronics Area: soldering station, hot air, scopes, component bins, etc…
To help increase the 3D Printing capabilities at the Appleton Makerspace, ELEGOO sponsored the Neptune 2S FDM 3D printer.

Check out the installation video posted by Appleton Makerspace: Facebook Video