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ELEGOO Sponsored Site 3 coLaboratory to enlarge Resin 3D Printing Workshop

ELEGOO Sponsored Site 3 coLaboratory to enlarge Resin 3D Printing Workshop

Site 3 CoLaboratory is a volunteer-run maker space in Toronto’s west end, at Ossington and Bloor, built-in 2010. The shop is 2000 square feet and is fully equipped with woodworking tools, metalworking tools, 3D printers, electronics, and more!

The vision for the organization is to provide an inclusive space that promotes a four-step cycle of create, display, teach, and inspire. Build and maintain an inspiring space and community that provides members with access to the right tools and knowledge to create anything they can think of.

Above fits very well with the "allow makers to use suitable electronic hardware and 3D printers to create everything and anything" concept advocated by our ELEGOO. As more and more members join the 3D printing, to express our support, we sponsored Saturn S 4K LCD 3D printer to expand the organization's 3D printing facilities. 


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